Taken by Lilith

“Feed, Fuck, Take what is rightfully yours.” {Lilith had spoken to me, whispered her commands without even moving her lips. My Goddess had to be obeyed. Stepping out into the alley behind the bar, I abandoned my fellow Vampyrs, wiping myself clean of blood as I looked out into the darkness. Large containers of waste decorated the entire right wall, while the left was left bare, only disturbed by the silhouette of a human body. The shape belonged to a young man, his white apron stained with his own blood, seemingly flowing from the palm of his hand. As silent as death itself, I stalked closer, my fingers still buried in the pockets at my sides.} “Oh no…Are you injured?” {My voice rung out through the narrow alley, sweet and alluring, perfect for attracting my prey. The man raised his head to look at me, for a moment appearing to have forgotten about the bleeding wound he was carrying, a slight smile on the corners of his mouth.} “Just a cut. I’m such a klutz with the knife.” {He chuckled, elevating his arm to show me the sizable tear in his skin. I advanced on him, slowly, but with determination, eventually capturing his hand in my own, examining the rough pad of his palm.} “It’s quite deep. You should get someone to take a look at it.” {Azure orbs gazed at the man’s face beneath thick eyelashes, rosy petals parting in a coy smile.} “I used to play doctor with the neighbour boys all the time when I was little. I’m sure I qualify as a professional.” {The man hesitated, having to clear his throat at my confession before replying.} “Uhh…sure. Go ahead.” {He grinned toothily, raising our joined hands so that I could get a good look at his injury. I lowered my head, placing a light kiss directly onto the source of his fleeing blood, my lips soon stained crimson, the taste of his essence making me purr. Five perfectly manicured fingers came to press against the man’s broad chest, trapping him between myself and the brick wall behind him, keeping him pinned from the first moment my fangs descended and tore at the flesh of his palm, deepening the wound. A cry of pain and horror escaped the man’s throat, his striking blue eyes wide in confusion.} “What the hell are you doing!? Get off of me!” {A growl rippled through my lithe body, and I straightened up to look at him, my features clearly displaying annoyance. Releasing his hand, my own came to grasp his chin, and I shushed him before my lips met his. It did not take long before I felt the intrusion of his tongue within my mouth, and I reciprocated by clamping my teeth down on the rough slab of muscle, severing it in half. Blood flooded both our mouths, and as I pulled away, I forcibly shut his to keep him from screaming.} “Keep your mouth closed or you’ll bleed to death before I can get what I want from you.” {I chided him, enjoying the look of complete agony on his face. The palm of my hand pressed down upon his full, bloodstained lips, ensuring he would stay silent before I plunged my aching fangs directly into his throbbing jugular…}


{The pale light of the moon illuminated my alabaster face as I lifted my gaze to observe the shining orb on the black night sky, a cool breeze took a hold of my raven tresses and raised them to the heavens, causing a disarray I would have to confront before I could go back inside. @VampKingBill was there in the inky pool of darkness, his pale gaze the only part of him that was visible to me before he stepped forth. A predatory look swept across his usual somber visage, descended fangs protruding from beneath his upper lip, fixing me with those icy hues, keeping me mesmerized until his broad chest pressed against mine.} “Bill…what are you…” {I fell silent as @VampKingBill’s left foot nudged at the corpse upon the ground, kicking the remainder of my meal away before backing me up against the nearest brick wall. He said nothing as his large hand coiled about my throat, one muscular leg parting both of mine, knee pressing gently against the junction between my thighs. It seemed he was on a mission. He had been touched by Lilith. Just like I. A soft whimper of desire was uttered between sharp ivories, my head falling back against the wall behind me as pleasure in form of an electrical current rippled through my body. @VampKingBill replaced his teasing knee with five, strong digits, caressing me through my denim prison, until I was certain he could feel the heat pooling between my thighs. Our clothes soon became the enemy, and in blurs of impossibly fast movements, every piece of fabric that concealed our naked bodies were discarded of.} “You’re drippin’, Nora…” {His husky voice taunted, calloused fingers probing and exploring my most sensitive flesh, every little touch driving me wild. I felt him harden against my hip, and much to his amusement, an involuntary gasp escaped me. Delicate fingers reached for him, wrapping about his impressive manhood, hungering for him more than I had ever hungered for blood. He batted my hand away, and firmly spun me around to face the wall, naked breasts brushing against the rough bricks as my rounded backside was pulled against his hips. Before I had time to react, @VampKingBill split me in half, impaling me on his hardness, mercilessly slamming his body into mine, taking what he wanted and using me for his pleasure. Just like Lilith had encouraged him to do.} “Feed. Fuck. Take what is rightfully yours.”

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